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Mahaprabhu Art   Gallery Studio & Workshop


Siddhartha Das is an acclaimed award winner sculpture artist hailing from the historic city of Krishnanagar. With a rich artistic background and a decade of experience in the field, Siddhartha has established himself as a renowned figure in the world of sculpture art. As the owner of the Mahaprabhu Art Gallery, he has played a significant role in promoting and preserving the artistic heritage of his beloved city Krishnanagar. This article explores the life, accomplishments, and contributions of Siddhartha Das to the world of sculpture art and his tireless efforts in preserving Krishnanagar's cultural legacy.

Cover Photo of Mahaprabhu Art Gallery

Early Life and Artistic Journey:


Siddhartha Das was born and raised in Krishnanagar, a city known for its cultural heritage in West Bengal, India. From an early age, Siddhartha displayed a deep fascination for art, and his creative talent was evident in his sculptures. Inspired by the rich historical and cultural heritage of Krishnanagar, Siddhatha began honing his skills as a sculptur under the Jharkhand Art Collage.

Siddhartha Das Receiving Award
Image of Siddhartha Das

Siddhartha Das: Honored by Jharkhand Government for Exquisite Bissa Munda Sculpture


 Siddhartha Das, the celebrated sculpture artist from Krishnanagar, has received high recognition for his exceptional artistic skills and dedication. Recently, his talent was acknowledged and rewarded by the Jharkhand Government, which bestowed him with an award for his remarkable sculpture of Bissa Munda. This article explores Siddhartha Das's artistic journey, his passion for sculpting, and the prestigious award he received for his beautiful depiction of the revered Bissa Munda.

Career and Accomplishments:


With over ten years of experience in  art, Siddhartha Das has created a significant body of work that showcases his artistic prowess and creative vision. His sculptures reflect a harmonious blend of traditional techniques with contemporary aesthetics, capturing the essence of human emotions and experiences.

 Siddhartha Das's artistic achievements have earned him numerous accolades and recognition both within India and abroad. His sculptures have been showcased in prestigious exhibitions, art galleries, and museums, where they have received critical acclaim for their intricate craftsmanship and profound artistic expression.

Gautam Buddha
Mural of Shah Rukh Khan

The Versatile Sculpture Artist with a Stellar Portfolio of Temple Art and 5-Star Hotel Masterpieces

Siddhartha Das, the highly versatile sculpture artist from Krishnanagar, has amassed a remarkable portfolio, showcasing his exceptional talent and creativity. With an impressive array of temple art and masterpieces adorning prestigious 5-star hotels, Siddhartha's work has garnered widespread acclaim and garnered wonderful testimonials from satisfied clients. This article delves into Siddhartha's artistic journey, his contributions to temple art and luxury hotel decor, and the glowing testimonials that attest to the excellence of his creations.

Preserving Cultural Heritage:


As the owner of the Mahaprabhu Art Gallery Workshop & Studio, Siddhartha Das has become a prominent advocate for the preservation of Krishnanagar's cultural heritage. The gallery serves as a platform for emerging and established artists to showcase their work, fostering a vibrant art community within the city.

Siddhartha has played a pivotal role in organizing exhibitions and workshops that promote awareness and appreciation for traditional art forms. Through his efforts, he has not only provided a platform for artists but also contributed to the cultural and economic development of Krishnanagar.

Furthermore, Siddhartha Das has been actively involved in restoration projects, working closely with local authorities and heritage organizations to preserve historical monuments and sculptures. His dedication to preserving the city's artistic legacy has earned him the respect and admiration of the local community and art enthusiasts.

Ganesh with five heads


Siddhartha Das, the versatile and highly skilled sculpture artist, has left an indelible mark on the world of art through his captivating temple sculptures and luxurious 5-star hotel masterpieces. His devotion to preserving and reviving the ancient art of temple sculpture has garnered praise from temples and devotees alike. Additionally, Siddhartha's collaborations with luxury hotels have elevated their ambiance to a whole new level, with his art adorning grand spaces and elegant interiors. The wonderful testimonials received from clients and admirers stand as a testament to Siddhartha's exceptional talent and his ability to breathe life into stone and metal, leaving a legacy of artistic inspiration for generations to come.

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